
SBE 19plus V2 SeaCAT Profiler CTD

SBE 19plus V2 SeaCAT Profiler CTD
The SBE 19plus V2 SeaCAT measures conductivity, temperature, and pressure at 4 scans/sec (4 Hz) and provides high accuracy and resolution, reliability, and ease-of-use for a wide range of research, monitoring, and engineering applications. Pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow minimizes salinity spiking caused by ship heave and allows for slow descent rates without slowing sensor responses, improving dynamic accuracy and resolving small scale structure in the water column. The 19plus V2 supports numerous auxiliary sensors (dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, fluorescence, oil, PAR, nitrates, altimeter, etc.) with six A/D channels and one RS-232 data channel. Data is recorded in memory and can also be output in real-time in engineering units or raw HEX. Nine alkaline D-cells provide power for up to 60 hours of profiling.

The 19plus V2 is commonly used autonomously, recording data internally. It can also provide real-time acquisition and display over short cables via the RS-232 interface; a load-bearing cable for hand-hauled, real-time profiling is available. External power and communication over 10,000 m of single-core, armored cable can be provided with the SBE 36 Deck Unit and PDIM. The 19plus V2 is easily integrated with a Sea-Bird Water Sampler; both real-time and autonomous auto-fire operations are possible.

In moored mode, the 19plus V2 records data at user-programmable intervals. This is easily configured with setup commands and by removing the profiling T-C Duct and installing optional anti-foulant devices.

• Conductivity, Temperature, Pressure, and up to seven auxiliary sensors.
• User-programmable mode: profiling at 4 Hz, or moored sampling at user-programmable intervals.
• RS-232 interface, internal memory, and internal alkaline batteries (can be powered externally).
• Pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow to minimize salinity spiking.
• Depths to 600, 7000, or 10,500 m.
• Seasoft© V2 Windows software package (setup, data upload, real-time data acquisition, and data processing).
• Next generation of the SeaCAT family, field-proven since 1987.
• Five-year limited warranty.

• Unique internal-field conductivity cell permits use of T-C Duct, minimizing salinity spiking.
• Aged and pressure-protected thermistor has a long history of exceptional accuracy and stability.
• Pressure sensor with temperature compensation is available in eight strain-gauge ranges (to 7000 m) and eleven Digiquartz® ranges (to 10,500 m). Note: Sampling rate 2 Hz when Digiquartz installed.
• Pump runs continuously (profiling mode), providing correlation of CTD and plumbed auxiliary sensor measurements.