Current Draw:
25 mA
Depth Rating:
200 to 2,000 m
17 mm2 silicon photodiode;
13 mm2 silicon photodiode
Cosine response
10 deg in water, 14 deg in air
Input Voltage:
6-22 VDC
Irradiance Cosine Error:
3% from 0–60 deg; 10% from 60–85 deg
11 cm
Noise Equivalent Irradiance (NEI):
2.5 x 10-3 µW cm-2 nm-1
Noise Equivalent Radiance (NER):
300 x 10-3 µW cm-2 nm-1 sr-1
Number of Channels:
4 or 7
Radiance Spatial Response:
5 x 10-4 > 1.5 FOV
Irradiance, UV, or Radiance
Spectral Bandwidth:
10 or 20 nm
Wavelength Range:
400-865 nm Radiance and Irradiance;
305, 325, 340, or 380 nm UV
Weight in air, water:
0.26 kg