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Casey Moore Retires from Sea-Bird Scientific

March 23, 2018

Dear Sea-Bird Community:

It is with both joy and sadness that I announce my impending retirement from Sea-Bird Scientific. When I initially took on the role of president, I committed to my family and myself that I would give it 4 years. While I could safely say that on any given day over these past few years, had you asked me what was my plan, I could think of nothing more rewarding than to continue here at Sea-Bird. As we closed upon the end of last year (which was my 4th year), I knew it was time to re-assess. After much consideration and discussion with our corporate leaders, my family and close friends, I concluded that it was time for both Sea-Bird and me to make a change. While I am leaving the Sea-Bird fold, I plan to advocate actively for the company and the ocean science community in the future. The work you and those of us at Sea-Bird do is both invaluable and critical. I am proud and grateful to be a part of this great endeavour.

I will continue to work at Sea-Bird through June 2018, to make sure that that my phasing out of the role of president proceeds smoothly.

I am pleased and excited to share with you that Sea-Bird will be left in good hands. Today Barry Lyon was announced as the next President of Sea-Bird Scientific. Barry will assume this role effective May 1st.

Barry will be responsible for the development and deployment of Sea- Bird's global strategy, leadership of the associates globally, building on the legacy of innovation and delivering on the organization's financial and operational commitments. Barry was most recently Vice President, Global Marketing at Hach. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Oregon, and a Masters of Business Administration from Loyola University Maryland. He and his family will relocate from Fort Collins, Colorado to the Bellevue, Washington area over the summer. Barry will work with other Sea-Bird leaders and me to meet many of you in the coming months. I am confident that he will make a significant and positive contribution to Sea-Bird and the ocean science community. As always, feel free to contact me should you have concerns or questions.

In the meantime, I reiterate my sincere gratitude in being part of this great community and the Sea-Bird team.

- Casey Moore, President Sea-Bird Scientific


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