
ac-9 Transmissometer--DISCONTINUED


ac-9 Transmissometer--DISCONTINUED
Product #: AC9.LEGACY


This item is no longer available.

This item is no longer available.

Sea-Bird Scientific has discontinued the ac-9 transmissometer but will continue providing service and support for a limited time:

End of Best Effort Service: December 31, 2020
Calibration only Service: December 31, 2021

Trade-In Offer

While the ac-9 cannot be upgraded to an ac-s, Sea-Bird Scientific is offering a Trade-In Program to provide you with an opportunity to improve your measurement capability.

Trade in your ac-9 and receive a 10% discount on the net price of a new ac-s or ac-s-5000 (only one 10% discount can be used per ac-9 traded in). This offer is valid for all orders placed by December 31, 2020.